Welcome to Corkscrew Appraisals blog page, thank you for taking time to visit this new corkscrew related website. This blog will be regularly updated with corkscrew facts, finds and news. Visitors are also welcome to contribute information to the blog, if you are interested then please get in touch.
Murray and Stalker Corkscrew, Nickel-plating. - 03/03/2013 Following on with the theme of high quality corkscrews and nickel-plating, the English corkscrew shown below becomes of interest to us. Th... Read More |
Corkscrews of Exceptional Quality. - 02/25/2013 Occasionally we come across a corkscrew of exceptional quality, one that stands out from other examples. Often these pieces have a bone or ivory handle along with a nickel plated finish, below is such an example. This piece is an English Ratchet corkscrew, patented by Alfred Vincent Newton, who was a Mechanical Draughtsman, from Middlesex. Newton was granted patent protection for his corkscrew design on the 23rd September ... Read More |
Two antique fairs in one week!! - 02/24/2013 This week I managed to squeeze in two antique fairs!! Ardingly, one of the largest fairs in the South of England plus a fair at Shepton Mallet in the South West of England. For Ardingly I was up at 4am and on the road Tuesday morning but today things were more laid back being a Sunday, Shepton Mallet is local to me. I was blessed with two helpers at the Shepton Mallet fair so I felt my chances were better than normal. Above are my two happy helpers, my wife Jane ... Read More |
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Thomason Compound Patent Corkscrews. - 02/24/2013 Why did Thomason refer to these corkscrews as “compound patent”? The Thomason IX, compound patent corkscrew was made with either four pillars or two pillars. The frame was often bowed due to use over time. An example of the rather rare two pillar version is shown. The term compound patent may have been used by Thomason to describe the patent mechanism, that is one with two actions and on... Read More |
New article featuring Cope and Cutler Corkscrews. - 02/14/2013 We have just this minute added a new article to the website entitled Cope and Cutler Corkscrews, it contains new previously unseen research carried out by Brian May. As always Brians research is detailed and interesting. Helpful comments were contributed by Fletcher Wallis. Images of corkscrews were kindly supplied by Goran Nilsson, Don Bull and Bert Giulian. Many thanks to all those that contributed. We hope you enjoy reading this article and welcome any comments. ... Read More |
Next Weeks New Article. - 02/08/2013 Towards the end of next week an interesting new article will be added to this website, written by Brian May. It features corkscrews made by Cope and Cutler. The research is very detailed and I am sure we will all learn something new about these two English corkscrew makers. Search your collections for corkscrews made by Cope and Cutler, you are in for a treat!! ... Read More |
Missed Opportunity?? - 02/08/2013 A great corkscrew collector friend who feels sorry for me due to the fact I am too picky with pieces for my collection, this week offered me 3 great English corkscrews. All 3 would fit in my collection well. On offer was a ultra rare English mechanical, a rare Henshall type and a stunning peg and worm!! The deal was, take them all or nothing. I can't say too much, only that I turned the offer down!! A decision I am sure to regret, what's more the purchase price was up to me. Let me say thanks "Good Friend". I am sure the kind collector is happy these pieces stayed in his collection and I hope offers will still come my way in the future. That's collecting for you..... Read More |
Deal Done!! - 02/08/2013 The last two weeks have been great for corkscrew finds, deals have been done. I have managed to pick up a near perfect Royal Club, the version without rollers which is very uncommon along with a very nice BB Wells knife sharpener combo and a 2 pillar. The BB Wells I have not had before so I guess it must be pretty rare. The 2 pillar may be Silver, I intend to get it tested in the comming weeks, it is not ferrous nor magnetic. It is not solid nickel as nickel is magnetic, again it's in great condition. The bottom image shows a similar 2 pillar that belonged in a well known collection from the 90's, it is marked DOUGHTY and WEST STRAND, this piece is Silver. Th... Read More |
Singleton Mechanical Corkscrew. - 01/31/2013 I have just this minute come across this interesting cutting from 1992 featuring a mechanical corkscrew by Singleton, an 18th century cutler and corkscrew maker. Notice the price it sold for back in 1992!! I am sure there are many collectors who would pay a great deal more for the piece today, if it resurfaced onto the market!! ... Read More |
New Article added!! - 01/23/2013 As promised an Article has now been added to the "articles " section. It discusses John Coneys Patent Corkscrew and an example linked to J P Muirhead and James Watt. Take a look it's an interesting read!! As per a previous blog another article is on its way, entitled: "An occult mechanical ratchet corkscrew of a previously unrecorded form". All the text has been written, just images to be added. This article has been written by Fletcher Wallis and myself. The featured corkscrew really is outstanding most probably a one off or prototype never put into production so watch this space!! It will be added towards the end of next week. ... Read More |